Dear Business Partner,
In Vitro Technologies will be upgrading our current Enterprise Resource Planner (ERP) to Microsoft Dynamics for our end-to-end business processes. This is a necessary step in our business strategic plan, which will see us significantly increasing our value to our Customers in the years ahead.
The rollout of Microsoft Dynamics will begin on Friday 1 June, and by Tuesday 5 June we will be operating fully on the new system. There will be an unavoidable interruption to our processes; however, we will aim at keeping this to a minimum.
All open Purchase Orders will be moved to the new system, however in order to avoid any delays in payments which may arise due to unavoidable business interruptions, we ask that invoices are sent to In Vitro Accounts Department at This will minimise disruption and potential duplication of effort.
Remittances will be generated automatically and sent electronically. If you do not receive, or unable to match the remittances, please notify In Vitro Accounts Department at
Please note, order confirmations must match the specified In Vitro PO and you will notice some changes in the look of our stationery.
The new system has been tested thoroughly and the rollout has been planned in detail. However, issues can still arise, so please contact your usual company representative should you have any questions.
I take this opportunity to thank you for our valued partnership and please bear with us as we work through this exciting rollout.
Kind regards
Andrew Menon
General Manager
In Vitro Technologies